‘Soul Train’ aired in syndication from October 2, 1971, to March 27, 2006. In its 35-year history, the show primarily featured performances by R&B, soul, dance/pop,...
Tiffany Elizabeth Elliot, Tee Sankey Designs Tiffany Elizabeth Elliott — whose initials make up the “Tee” in her jewelry design company, Tee Sankey Designs – has...
This year’s ‘The Family Blessing’ production boasts Grammy Award-winning singer Paul Anthony (of the 90s group Full Force) and Montell Jordan (of “This Is How We...
Through March 1, the Pinellas County African American History Museum presents “Living Legends and Lives of African Americans in Entertainment (1850-1970),” a collection on loan from...
Erica Sutherlin directs Antoinette Nwandu’s riveting drama “Pass Over,” playing Feb. 3-13 at Studio@620. Pictured, Tron Montgomery, Joshua Dupree (left), Lance Felton, Tron Montgomery (center), Tron...
ST. PETERSBURG — National filmmakers Will Packer and Erica Sutherlin will be honored on the last day of the five-day Tampa Bay Black Art and Film...
Artist Saudade Toxosi curated the ‘Take Me To The Water(s)’ exhibit, which examines the environment and ecology, urban development, community, gentrification, and race and class issues...
A veteran musician for more than 30 years, one can hear the entire spectrum of jazz singing in the performance of vocalist Scotty Wright. The Studio@620 welcomes the...
To be eligible for the City of St. Petersburg’s Arts and Culture Grants, a nonprofit cultural organization must serve the residents of St....
The Ebony Repertory Theatre production of ‘Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill’ on stage at freeFall Theatre, 6099 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, running through Sunday,...